I’ve been told by plenty of guys attending Navy SEAL Training here, that my YouTube videos of the courses and my website don’t do nearly enough justice to what we actually do at Extreme SEAL and that "This is not what I expected; It’s much better than I ever imagined it would be."
There are a few reasons behind that...
One is that I REALLY love running the courses. Two is that I REALLY love seeing guys succeed. Three is because "I can."
I CAN... set up these dynamic courses of instruction when others cannot. I have vast Training Areas, I have the proper equipment, I have the skill and knowledge and I have the "People Skills" to demand the best from each individual without over doing or under doing the Training and I demand those people skills from each SEAL Instructor I employ.
Far too many courses exist that do nothing more than BEAT guys and encourage them to quit under some misguided, overly inflated sense of self-importance coupled with lack of experience and lack of options for proper training. It’s because they have no places for that training except condominium parking lots.
Total "smoke and mirrors" to straight up deceit; exaggerated claims and made up instruction. My personal favorite is "Navy SEAL Underwater Tactics." I was a SEAL for a lot of years and I don’t remember being taught that...
Guys attend Training here to be challenged by actual Navy SEALs and my course is the "only" course out there with 100% SEAL Instructors.
This is NOT big business. Extreme SEAL is a family business and we employ a handful of talented Instructors. I run these courses, I own Extreme SEAL, I’m also the secretary and my wife cooks and keep you guys healthy with "Meat and Potatoes" home-cooked meals.
I keep the classes small to keep them safe, personable, and with the proper amount of one on one instruction.
Every Student is a face and a name here; they are not numbers... and we become life-long friends quickly.
In an age of Internet scams and websites, where anyone can build themselves into anything by clicking a few buttons on a keyboard, I take enormous pride in being a decent, honest guy and it shows in the "Total Attention to Detail" we provide.
Long days and long nights of Training here, guys that sign up for a course have placed colossal trust in us and a huge responsibility falls on my shoulders to deliver everything I said I would.
Just like the responsibility placed on me in SEAL Team for all those years, I take it VERY seriously...
This is the finest course of its kind anywhere in the World... You’re gonna FREAK when you see what goes on around this place... I hope to have you…
Don Shipley BUD/S 131 SEAL Team ONE, SEAL Team TWO.