Up early on Monday, Maddog ran them to Bobs Fishing Hole for PT with Master Chief Matto by 0630. Matto has a diverse background in SPECWAR and a wealth of knowledge but what he�s best known for is PT.
What BUD/S is best known for is PT with trainee�s being wet and sandy and the Platoon and Advanced guys started PT with Flight Quarters as we launched them off the Aircraft Carrier Flight Deck for a wet chilly start.
After recovering Aircraft, Matto held up a piece of paper and explained that the PT written on that paper was older than anyone in the class and dated back to the Frogmen from WWII and still a standard BUD/S and Team PT today.
Chiseled and built like a Greek statue, Matto explained that was the PT he did to prepare for BUD/S and still does every single day.
Getting the class organized, Matto ensured all the guy�s did the exercises correctly and that their form was perfect. While no attempt was made by Matto to pound the guys just to pound them, it happened all by itself with and eye opening walk through the BUD/S compound and what they could expect once there.
Sweat, spit, blood red and contorted faces, the guys realized quickly that no one was very close to being prepared for BUD/S and the lesson was learned that "I�ve got some work to do."
All part of it here, we show you what it takes to become Navy SEALs.
Demanding but encouraging, Matto got them through and answered questions being a very approachable and friendly guy who only wants guys to succeed and the guy�s would see more of Matto through the week for morning PT.