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Cambridge, MD 21613

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Too Easy Too Hard

If I make the SEAL training at Extreme SEAL Experience sound too hard, some guys won’t come... If I make it sound too easy, some guys won’t come... It’s enough to say that I don’t run a pushup school here as there is much more to being a SEAL than long distance runs and swims and I have better things to teach you.

There is very little anyone can do for a week or two to get someone into shape. Hell Night is tough and necessary but the rest of the course trainees do PT for an hour each morning and a short run.

I’ve put plenty of guys through the course that could not swim and we teach them here. Guys that can swim we make better at the sidestroke for BUD/S Training.

I’ve NEVER told anyone they can’t attend training here. Deaf, near blind, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, depression, confidence issues all have attended training here successfully.

I get asked "How many guys fail your training?" as that being some sort of strange gauge if they should attend or not. Guys have, very few guys have, quit training here and that is the LAST thing I want to see happen. Why would I make it so hard on a person that he elects to go home defeated?

In 2010 I put 223 guys through training and "only" lost three men.

In 2011 I put almost 250 men through training and "only" lost three men.

In 2012 I put almost 350 men through training and "only" lost one man. Same in 2013 and 2014.

I deeply respect a man’s hard earned money and taking time off from work to fly all the way down here for something I offer. There are PLENTY of unscrupulous bastards out there running all kinds of jerkoff training courses that are nothing more than mindless beatings because that’s all they have to offer... These mindless beatings and dangerous, POOR quality of training comes under the guise of "Navy SEAL Training." And it is nothing more than a Shit Sandwich that gets served to guys aspiring to become SEALs and those who want to experience SEAL Training...

There is more to being a SEAL than doing a bunch of pushups and being talked to like you were an idiot and there is MUCH more that you can do with a strong mind than you can with a strong body...

This course is tough mentally and physically but it is designed to simply get 100% from each person attending. I don’t give a rats ass if I guy can do 100 pushups and the next guy can only do 10. GIVE ME your 10 best pushups and I’ll show you that you can do 15... I only ask for 100% from each man, that’s the definition of TEAMWORK...

We want guys to work hard and have a good time doing it... Get signed up soon...

I’m sure the below DVD of the course will help you decide. 2 hours long, it covers the entire course at Extreme SEAL...

Click here to download the DVD.

Don Shipley BUD/S 131, SEAL Team ONE, SEAL Team TWO.

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